Leaving your fears behind – B2 (CEFR) – 75′

This and the next lesson are based on Karen Walker’s TED “What fear can teach us”, Brené Brown’s TED “Listening to shame” and her book “Daring Greatly”.

It is here to talk about our fears and failures and how we can not only overcome them but also learn from them. 


Video: https://www.ted.com/talks/karen_thompson_walker_what_fear_can_teach_us

Slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1seDzL4C5q5mj5u7N7usqH90-0xQN-IjBZVHXEZqDBrw/edit?usp=sharing

Lesson Plan: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HfbQw8TyquOUajA03DXusBIHJS6a2RJt33bFahPpcdM/edit?usp=sharing

Using critical thinking to make decisions -B2 (CEFR) – 75′

How often do you use critical thinking to make decisions on a daily basis? This lesson was planned for those B2 (CEFR) students who have a lot of decisions to make in a very short time.


Video: https://www.ted.com/talks/samantha_agoos_5_tips_to_improve_your_critical_thinking

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1g_m9q54bepoS5kfyx2j-a8EZIZOoE_h-sUVP5apVMig/edit?usp=sharing

Lesson plan: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lIOHOpwYt6xO_Qk41GPbVJKkuNVmhj0Au6uCTxDxcWA/edit?usp=sharing


Time Management – B2 (CEFR) – 75′

Finally back!

This lesson was specially designed to help B2 (CEFR) students to organize their time (days and to-do lists) in a better way. 

Material used:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxpVGCA1llY 

A couple shows different approaches on how to organize their time and their to-do lists.

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KcG3xl4fKWdXRiLCchVIu7osgu6vBQAAI5a47GL5X0Y/edit?usp=sharing 

Lesson plan: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vqnMJ1V6N8Mw_XGlRc2slxfD0e9qQjGoC1XCsbQKqJ0/edit?usp=sharing