Raising money for charity – 75′ lesson (C2 CEFR)

This lesson was planned for English teachers but it can be used with advanced-leveled students. For teachers, we have decompressing moments after each stage. For students, a lot of work on language. 🙂

LADY GAGA video: https://metro.co.uk/video/lady-gaga-raised-35-million-covid-19-relief-2146844/?ito=vjs-link

BBC original article: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-52199537

Adapted article: Lady Gaga and Corona Virus

METRO (further reading suggestions): https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/07/lady-gaga-raises-35million-one-week-coronavirus-relief-organisations-12521561/ 

Google Slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nEMk-Tl_Pa1C-kNfSTjuvr2Mv6jamUURPKtcf6GB0to/edit?usp=sharing 

I hope it’s useful!

Cooking Class – Making Pancakes (Pre-A1 CEFR)

This lesson was specially planned for Easter! This Sunday is definitely going to be nicer and warmer with these pancakes! Children learn the names of the ingredients, the utensils, and the commands put, mix, fry, etc.


Google Slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XV1xRp_eP24WCVtSFFOQqdg8p6BWqOOZvwbrUN57wcU/edit?usp=sharing 

Song Video Pinkfong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnS3nym_x-c


Talking about symptoms and suggestions (A2 CEFR)

This lesson was planned for an Instagram Live lesson that took place on the 7th of April of 2020.

First students are going to be presented with the vocabulary, then tested – in order to see if they are on the same page, then the freer practice relates to the students’ families.

Then I decided to revive my blog using it.

The Google Slide link is: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uJTMc8CWETomtIgSAKBVnVjlcHh9acbPXLOdFYtq-S0/edit?usp=sharing

Hope you have fun!


The Joker Society – B2 Lesson 90′

This lesson is based on the Joker film’s critics and the society we are currently living in. In this lesson, I would like to raise students’ awareness of the Burnout Society (philosophy by Byung – Stanford Reads) and enrich them with B2 vocabulary. 


Google Slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nRSe07Xe3m0UnLxmRgsmkfdD3sR_igUDqPzSjS90ITE/edit?usp=sharing

BBC Article Original: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-49549633 

BBC Article adapted to this lesson: JOKER

Byung-Chul Han’s Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN3aMCSip1A

Further Reading Suggestion: https://www.amazon.com.br/Burnout-Society-Byung-Chul-Han/dp/0804795096


Baby Boomers and Millennials exchange at work (Business Lesson) C1 CEFR

This lesson was based on Mannheim’s theory of generations for C1 CEFR Business students.

Read further: https://coggle.it/diagram/WzQajTCAbtj1qHTY/t/theory-of-generations-karl-mannheim 

I have also used the trailer of the film “The intern”, exactly because they have been able to work together and learn from one another as the topic of the lesson suggests. 

“The intern” trailer: https://youtu.be/ZU3Xban0Y6A 

TED VIDEO: https://www.ted.com/talks/chip_conley_what_baby_boomers_can_learn_from_millennials_at_work_and_vice_versa 

Google Slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OTpOjKMY4c-N8O9LD-A07Ggs-cBQm13g02gPuB0YEGc/edit?usp=sharing 

Lesson Plan: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KxPxm58WyFetv3T2fBpPtFNK7DSua3yyfawvyH7D588/edit?usp=sharing 


The Escape Room Culture – 90′ Conversation Lesson – B2 CEFR

This lesson was developed for a conversation lesson in which the main topic is Culture. Escape Rooms have been gaining a new status around the world, especially in companies, where employees have to work on strategies – be it to improve a team’s productivity or as a dynamics to hire a new person.

Material used:



Lesson Plan:


Video 360o:


Article from VOX:



Music and Humankind – Conversation Lesson – B2 CEFR

This is a lighter, conversation lesson (compared to the CLIL one) for the beginning of your term. You could have a music quiz and then talk about a little bit of culture related to music and New Orleans.

Google Slide lesson:


Thought Economics article:


Video – Exploring New Orleans Jazz:

Building your own brand 75′ – B2 (CEFR)

This lesson was planned for my business students who are going to or would like to create their own brands. We talk about style scapes, typography, etc. 



Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1P9h5_F4ajBqXDoLD-yXlXynNw1qUbttHbYA07IcwSkU/edit?usp=sharing

Lesson Plan: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Mou7i1WfNrJajQS-vfVeWV7oKg8Co3XjrqGFcRpNlNY/edit?usp=sharing



Online Business Commerce – 75′ B2 (CEFR)



Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSi6TaXRhdc 

Forbes Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bizcarson/2019/02/06/ubers-secret-gold-mine-how-uber-eats-is-turning-into-a-billion-dollar-business-to-rival-grubhub/#2f4293561fa9

Google Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AVTeaSgSja753xUgwo4oJNH8fytkqrl0bUsKaZMPoJU/edit?usp=sharing

Lesson Plan: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LhuyvK43L8QlohpJXZ9kkATJJAtfKbbDiPNJmo7kYFk/edit?usp=sharing

I’m Malala – Who are you? 75′ C1 (CEFR)

The objectives of this lesson are:

  1. To show students who this young girl who won a Nobel Prize is and what she has done.
  2. To introduce C1 vocabulary in context from The NY Times article.
  3. To trigger students to think who they are. What they are going to do, etc.






Lesson Plan:
